ÄIVI TAKALA ”Background”




Päivi Takala (born 1970) is fine painter, whose
previous exhibitions in Finland have aroused attention, admiration and
expectations.  Her work has been on show, with
acclaim, at events such as Art Forum Berlin and the Stockholm Market Art Fair.

She now fulfils expectations with her new exhibition “Background”.

Takala’s paintings are characterized by extremely
sensitive and skilled execution, showing how her skills have
developed even further. This painter has command
of her medium and knows how to use it in an
appropriate, light and precise manner.

The artist poses questions that interest those
who are interested in painting. What is an image?
In what way is it an image? In what other
respects could it be that? Can a work of art be
simultaneously equivocal yet unequivocally a
painting? Is the absence of a subject in fact as
significant, as much a subject, as its presence?
Can a painting be completely figurative yet
completely abstract at the same time? How is
such a painting made?

Päivi Takala’s paintings are at once fast and
slow. They are interesting already at first sight
and they have an allure attracting the viewer
to look longer at them. Over a long period of
time they are filled, not emptied.

Galleri Anhava